@Suty Hi Suty, thank your replying! yes, I can see that users can set their own unit increments for the color scale, but that only changes the color scale, it does not change the Data Tool increment units itself on the home page (unless I am missing a step somewhere).
I am requesting that the user be able to customize the Data Tool increment units for each map. For example, the image of Snow Depth map in the original post, although I can change the color scale, the Data Tool increment units do not change. so in this example it is difficult to tell how deep the snow will be between 4 inches and 20 inches. it would be awesome for the user to be able to customize that tool further, so the breakouts could change from 0-.8-2-4-20-3ft-9ft to something like 0-4-8-16-24-36-48, (or whatever the user would like).
Thanks so much!!