@cvtyyee Hi, you should be notified about met conditions of your preset alert and when you open the push notification, you should get to the forecast of that place.
RE: Notifications
RE: Pin Altitude slider?
@snazzlecat Hi, do you talk about the mobile app? Because we offer the altitude slider in our desktop version.
RE: Hacked App on iPadOS?
@idefix37 Thank you for reporting this strange new design of our app. I already forwarded your post to colleagues.
RE: Wrong temperatures
@Castelli992 Hi, this is unfortunately possible, since we compare real time measures with computed data from global model. Did you check all available models in Windy?
RE: How to recover your Windy Premium (FastSpring)
@margra Hi, could you please provide more info about the issue you have? How exactly can I help you?
RE: How to connect my purple air sensor to windy?
@fickmr Unfortunately, these air quality stations are not possible to be updated to Windy directly.
RE: FastSpring double billing?
@heatpumpman Hi, I checked your subscription and you will be billed again in the May 2025, since you have annual subscription plan. What exactly is wrong?
RE: Windy alarm does not work and no föhn detection
@dericcio Hi, when you set the alert, do you see the red line under the forecast detail in the notifications section as below in the screenshot:
RE: Haritada rüzgar durumu
@ismailgurbuzkara Please if you still don't have an answer you need, please explain what exactly you mean. As @Wheats already said, you probably compare two different values, values on the map and of the color, with reports from personal weather stations.
RE: Wind notifications are useless
@dscoti Hi, I am afraid that you mixed up our alert system and the forecast in general. Our alerts, that can be adjusted by the user, should inform you about the forecast, when it meets your preset conditions. So if you set the condition about the wind value to be between 10 to 75 mph, you will be notified about that fact anytime the condition is met, so almost always probably.
However, if you think you found any issue in our app, please share those screenshots you didn't attach in your previous message. If you have any troubles with that, please contact us at support@windy.com.