@Suty Please move this up the list and add the "My Favorites" map locations as part of the other map features miguelfeitosa mentioned. Thank you!!!
Hot Air Balloon Pilots
RE: Ability to adjust font sizes and map icon,feature size
RE: Ability to adjust font sizes and map icon,feature size
@miguelfeitosa I agree with you 100%. I made several locations on the map "my Favorites" but when I look for them on the map they appear as a yellow highlighted bell that is so tiny it's doesn't help at all. I need a way to make the favorites bell icon larger and a different color.
RE: please clarify: downloading/reusing data from plugins and WIndy terms & conditions
@kekert I see, thanks for providing the definitive point of reference
I assume the use case I laid out would impair specifically 4.6.1 "... and/or downloading of significant portions of the Content" in your view, correct?
please clarify: downloading/reusing data from plugins and WIndy terms & conditions
I am looking for a definitive answer to the question "what data can be downloaded from a plugin under which conditions"
I am aware of the T&C for ECMWF data, so let us talk about non-ECMWF data from hereon. I am also aware of the Point Forecast API and have a key for that.
the context: a plugin being built for parachuting purposes
it gives the option to download the vertical profile for a given time, location and model
the vertical profile is then used for predicting a glide path with another applicationa comparable tool which inspired us - and we want to improve upon: https://markschulze.net/winds/ - great, but only GFS data
My question is: can we do better than windsaloft without violating WIndy T&C?
I would appreciate a definitive answer - searching the forum so far has yielded only fuzzy answers.
Thanks in advance - appreciated.
RE: Issue with unintentional "plugin was unpublished by the author"
@Xutao-Guo I was bitten by this too
RE: meteograms underreport convective activity like thunderstorms
I would like to express my gratitude to the team - in particular @Filip_K - for picking up this loose end and coming up with a significant improvement of the "Rain,Thunder" layer as well as improved icons !
I reported this on our ballooning whatsapp group and there were quite a few cheers
thank you!
RE: List of Finished Windy Plugins (v42+)
New Pressure Difference Plugin for the Alps region: Foehn, Bise, Bora, Ora, and Peler forecasts
@wetterheidi has developed a pressure difference plugin for the Alps region, covering the major Foehn lanes, Bise, Bora, Ora, and Peler.
It shows forecasts using ICON-D2, ICON and ECMWFGive it a try by: Menu -> Install Windy Plugin -> Load plugin directly from URL and paste the following URL:
Then it's accessible as Main -> Pressure Difference Charts
Please direct comments to @wetterheidi , I am just the PR agent tasked with conveying the good news.
For issues and pull requests: github repo is at https://github.com/wetterheidi/windy-plugin-pressure-difference
can I ask for review and listing on the gallery?

RE: meteograms underreport convective activity like thunderstorms
what @wetterheidi reported is a bona-fide bug: your app is trying to predict convective activity using the ICON* models, and reproducibly fails to do so
I consider this misprediction actually a safety issue since it fails to predict dangerous situations while it actually could - and that has happened to, and was observed by several people. To me, two days ago.
A prudent responses would have been "we will look into this and try to reproduce", "can we have more examples to figure what exactly is going on" or "how could we improve this"
to be candid @Suty : a "generic" repsonse (and that is a kind characterisation) like yours to such an issue is verging on the irresponsible - we are not talking about a typo; for instance, basing a flight decision on such a forecast is a recipe for trouble.
I wish you understood that, and you obviously dont.
To the other folk reading this thread and scratching their heads what is going on, please try the following to reproduce:
if you have a gut feeling there could be significant convective activity the same day:
- observe meteograms for ECMWF, GFS, METEOBLUE and any applicable ICON* model
- take screenshots of same
- record radar/precip/lightning activity
- then evaluate which of the meteograms actually reflected reality
You guys should take this issue serious.
please advise: line with draggable ends?
I want to extend the Foehn and Bise example plugin as an exercise to work along any two points - not just Zurich and Lugano
for that I need two points (ie markers) on the map with a line draw between them; line follows if end markers moved - exactly what Leaflet.DraggableLines does (demo)
however, this is pretty much already in "Distance and Planning":
Could anyone point me to an example how this is done with the current Windy Leaflet version? none of the public examples I perused do anything like that
Is there a list of "blessed" already-used Leaflet plugins I can safely reuse?
thanks in advance
notes on getting the plugin examples to work
certified js/web idiot here.
I wrote up some notes on getting the plugin examples to work on MacOS/Chrome
happy to add hints for other platforms and browsers
if there's a warm place for such stuff on https://docs.windy-plugins.com/getting-started/ - happy to make it into a PR