@idefix37 Thanks for the hint. Did not think of tapping it, but now I know how it works.
best regards
Pilots that use Windy
@idefix37 Thanks for the hint. Did not think of tapping it, but now I know how it works.
best regards
When I use the distance and planning feature on my phone I can't scroll to the beginning or the end of the route. The position indicator on the 2D view is centered in the middle of the screen and the 2D view moves beneath it while scrolling, but only until its ends reach either the menu on the left or the end of the screen on the right side. On the example in the picture I scrolled as far to the end of the route as possible, but scrolling is over between the 14th and 15th waypoint. Everything behind that can't be reached. The position indicator on the map above moves in accordance to that only between these boundaries as well.
I am using:
best regards
Any updates on adding this feature?
best regards
@Suty It seems fixed now, thank you.
best regards
@idefix37 It seems fixed now, thank you.
best regards
@Suty The bug, where the bottom menu is cut off seems fixed now, thank you.
But the bug with the overlapping labels in the layers menu on mobile and desktop (german language) is still there. It seems that there is a problem with long words and their breaking into the next line. See the two pictures just above. Any updates on fixing that?
best regards
@Suty It seems fixed now, thank you.
best regards
@Suty It seems fixed now, thank you.
best regards
I am watching from Salzburg, Austria
There is delay of ECMWF data dissemination and systems of ECMWF are not responding. Model runs from 2025-02-12T12:00Z
and possibly further will be delayed.