Excellent addition to the menu. Keep up the good work!
RC Airplane Pilots
I am interested in starting a group for RC Air and boat pilots can use and share stories and advice. I shared Windy to our club Facebook's page everyone loves it - https://www.facebook.com/Chippewa-Falls-Model-Airplane-Club-546569062104500/
RE: Windy.com introduces soaring forecast
Aurora Borealis Forecast
Hi, If there is any plans/posibility to implement data for Aurora's forecast?
Like from: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/products/aurora-30-minute-forecastThat's probably one of the last function not available at Windy.
RE: What would you classify as a "severe" storm?
And flashes, can be considered severe storm when flash appear on short interval?
How are mensure the CO concentration on Windy?
Helo, I can't understand how it's possible be forecast to emission that suffer influence of others actions. How it's the mensure the CO emissions presented in the layer on windy?
RE: Widgets doesn't work
Hi @Rabbagast, please give us more info HERE, thank you!
When and How to Create a New Group
Groups can gather people of similar focus and/or similar locations.
- The “Groups” section displays the same content as is displayed in the Categories >> Topics, depending on who is a member of what group.
- Every user can pick a “Badge” related to a group (only one of the groups they're in) and issue it on their profile. This can be set via >> Profile >> Edit Profile >> Group Title.
- There is no other special function of the “Groups” section – and therefore no reason to get crazy setting new groups. :-)
If you want to create a new group, please do your best to follow this procedure:
- Check if there is a similar group already existing.
- If it is, join that group. Please do not create a duplicate group just with a slightly different meaning or title.
- If it’s not, you can create a new group.
- If there’s a group referring to an activity in a very general way, while you’d like to specify a location for that activity etc., you can create a new group with a geographic specification in the group name.
Don’t create a non-sense group name. Such groups will be deleted instantly.
Use English (or universal, internationally readable) words in the group name.
- In case you use a different language, whether in Latin, Cyrillic, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese or any other letters, make sure to include (in brackets) an English translation of the group name.
- In case the group name refers to a geographic location (state, city, mountain, river, etc.), make sure to include (in brackets) the full name of the country concerned.
--> Example: מזג אויר רכס ארסוף (Weather in Arsuf, Israel) ; 台灣地震分析 (Taiwan Seismic Analysis) .
If you can, set your group as Public, not Private. Otherwise, we will set it as Public.
Upload a cover picture which best describes the activity and/or location that your group refers to. If you don’t, we will upload one.
--> Tip: You can use pictures that you took, or free photos from Unsplash.com.
If you don’t respect these rules (or at least try to), we will keep deleting any duplicate and/or non-sense groups. We really want to keep the “Groups” section clear and comfortable for everyone.
Thank you for understanding & enjoy!
UPDATE: For the reasons mentioned above, we have recently disabled the option to create new groups.
If you want to create a new group, please let me know its purpose and the title, and I will create it for you (or not). :)
RE: Help us to test new Weather Radar overlay
Really good idea. Also for UAV operators Nice job!!!