I guess the only what is to open YouTube.
And in the search bar, to type Windy weather academy.
Sailors, boaters
Guys (and girls) that fight the sea
RE: Why should you watch the Windy Weather Academy on YouTube
RE: Windy
Could we know exactly where you are looking for weather forecasts? Your profile says you are in Australia, but it is a very large country.
Have you tried the different weather models available in Windy, especially the high-resolution Australian models from the Bureau of Meteorology (ACCESS) ?And what type of forecast (temperature, rain, wind…) do you consider to be so wrong?
RE: Actual snow dept.
The Norway boarder is so long, this is not precise !
Anyway the location is probably in mountains and we know that global models like the ECMWF, the default model in Windy, with a 9km resolution is not so good in this type of relief for temperature, limit between rain and snow…
So this model cannot provide an accurate snow cover. ICON has a slightly better resolution 7km.
Unfortunately there is no high resolution model over Scandinavia in Windy for Snow depth.
For local forecast you can use the METEOBLUE model available in meteograms. It gives better prediction specially for temperature. -
RE: Future Radar
The radar loop of the past hours is important to understand current precipitations and the weather of the next few minutes.
But the “future radar” is just an extrapolation of the last image of the radar loop. Do you think you would get a reliable forecast of rain from an image that is 18 hours old ?
You'd better look at the Rain, thunder layer. -
RE: Pink Humps in My Forcast
The pink curve in the local forecast table shows the temperature variation during day and night. It is therefore related to the temperature figures just below.
Your screenshot :
RE: Actual snow dept.
You said “ Went to place where its out by meter”, what is this place ?
And you don’t know that Windy offers several weather models ? So I guess it is the default model named ECMWF.By the way, you are requested to change your user profile picture. The Windy community is not a place for advertising. Otherwise you will be denied access.
RE: Actual snow dept.
Where did you check the snow depth and what weather model did you use? -
RE: Possible Bug?
What weather model do you use for this forecast ?
The default model used in Windy (ECMWF) is forecasting -21°C and all weather stations display about the same temperature. -
RE: Donnees emises par lessémaphores
Sur les côtes françaises il y a de nombreux phares et sémaphores qui sont des stations météos officielles mais qui ne sont pas présents sur Windy. Je ne sais pas pour quelle raison celui du cap Cépet a disparu. Pourtant ses relevés apparaissent toujours sur d’autres appli météo.
Et cette station apparaît toujours sur cette base de la WMO (OMM) avec le numéro 07661. Or Windy utilise cette base de données me semble-t-il.