Be nice if I were able to get answers to my actual issues
Utility Operators
Utility Control Room Operators. Electrical, telecommunication, and any other operations type position that is looking at weather affecting utility infrastructure around the globe
I wish you had Tech support
RE: Weather warnings
@David_E8 ,hi its a drought warning (and wind) i see, its always dry there, close to the only defined desert area of europe according too Michelin... should it be there or not,? search me... its very generalized, just like its always gale warnings where i live,karmøy,norway.
RE: find parameter Could
@풍력 ,hi, is it psychrometry and absolute humidity vs dew point temp and relative humidity, or air density youre seeking.
good luck in searching, maybe someone else knows what your knot is?
ørjan -
RE: Height of 500mb surface or pressure at specific altititude
@Alistair-Fraser , hi enter menu, roll down to isolines of geopotentil height above favourites, toggle what you want (4 choices) then you use your altitude button(airplane) on the main map to toggle wished altitude...
good luck
ørjan -
RE: Anyone know why there's a "cut" on the accumulated precipitation maps?
@idefix37 , hi, seems like ive the same on my pcscreen, and its a minor flaw on the gfs at 13 nov in the accumulation, just east of huesca, flats out /dissolves when zooming in.
RE: After all these years: still no manual
@wintermute314 ,agree with your statement there
ørjan -
RE: After all these years: still no manual
@Wheats , agree with your statement there
RE: Hurricane possible
@Manoel-Zeferino ,yup,looks like boiling water
RE: Hybrid system
@Wionczky ,well observed! that is a rare occurence we see.
RE: Satellite outage over the North and South America (Sep 28)
@performancepixel , seems like goes has gone private at the moment,theyll be back soon