It appears the Android app CAN display it, there is just no menu option to get there. When I tap on Windy hurricane links in Google search results, they open in the Windy app with the list of storms open on the lefthand side. Could we make this accessible from inside the app?
When I Google: hurricane tracking, I get results that include links to the tracker on If I click it, I'm asked if I want to open it in Chrome or the Windy app. Selecting Windy opens it as mentioned above.
Here is a sample link:,29.306,-89.802,6&ved=2ahUKEwihpejI_7_yAhXkTN8KHeucA0QQFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2bihljV_QB_7jFcTpGH5iL
Note that if you enter that link in an address bar, the browser presumes you want to open it in the browser and does not ask about the app.