Fake data returned even for GFS
I make this request to https://api4.windy.com/api4/data/forecast:
{ "model": "gfs", "lat": 49.9609, "lon": 14.6958, "key": "---key---", "plugin": "windy-plugin-pg-mapa" }
I receive this response:
{"header": { "model": "NOAA-GFS", "origLat": 50.53654293419482, "origLon": 14.889134366246362, "note": "Requested ECMWF data are FAKE and just for dev purposes." }}
Note that I made a request for GFS but I got a ECMWF fake response. Also
doesn't matchlat
which is probably related. -
@jakubvrana Thanks for the report, it is fixed now.
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