Explanation of forecast data
The forecast from
has these fields:cbase: 4552 convPrecip: 0.1 day: "2019-11-05" dewPoint: 278.5 gust: 8.0132 hour: 12 icon: 20 icon2: 20 isDay: 1 mm: 0.2 moonPhase: 7 origDate: "2019-11-05T13:00:00+01:00" origTs: 1572955200000 pressure: 99904.47 rain: 1 rh: 76 snow: 0 snowPrecip: 0 temp: 282.5 ts: 1572951600000 weathercode: "OVC,CU,CS,,-,RA,," wind: 3.7 windDir: 234
Most of them are pretty self explanatory but can you please explain the meaning of icon, icon2, moonPhase and weathercode? Ideally at https://github.com/windycom/windy-plugins/blob/master/docs/WINDY_API.md#module-plugindataloader.
I'm interested mainly in displaying a simple weather icon - sunny, cloudy, rainy.
@jakubvrana These parameters are basically for inner systems. It was not intended for public use.
is a number used for printing weather icon,icon2
is a new version of the same. These values are basically got from theweathercode
and also from other parameters. And for the night icon we are usingmoonPhase
to partly/fully fill the moon.Feel free to write me using chat for more information.