Waves colours
Waves swell colours stripe is too difficoult to read between 2 and 6 meters.
You can customize the color scale of any layer, including Waves.
In Settings (website version), select Customize color scale -> WavesOn my side I use this color scale
Why don't you please put that colour scale by default for all users? I think it's much better. I agree now it's very difficult to see the 2-3 meter range.
Starting from dark blue for no waves, after green to yellow for bigger swell, and finally red to violet for storm, gets more intuitive.
Thanks & congratulations for the app !!! -
I am not in the Windy dev team so I cannot set my setting as « default setting ».
But if you want to use my colors setting for waves, here is how to do it:In windy.com Menu (not in the phone app) go to Settings
Scroll down and choose Customize color scale
In Select overlay: Choose Waves
At bottom of page find the line Import/export
Click on [view code] to open a window pop up
Delete the text code in this window
Select and copy all lines of code here below and paste them in the window
Press [Import Gradient]
Press Save[[0,[159,185,191,255]],
[17,[154,48,151,255]]]These new colors will be saved in your Windy cloud and will be applied to all your devices including in phone app.
But if you want to come back to Windy default colors you can press Load defaultNOTE: Each waves height range is represented by a uniform color without shading or smoothing, with only a small blend transition.
For instance,
Dark green is 2m waves
Medium green is 3m waves
Light green is 4m waves
Yellow is 5m waves
Brick red is 7m waves
Bright red is 10m waves
So at a glance you know the wave height. -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
Made I nicer one imo with some help from chatgpt haha. It shows differences at smaller sizes more clearly:
[30.48,[0,0,0,255]]] -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on