Interpolate at higher elevations
Is it possible to return the windspeed at higher elevations? Interpolate seems to only return wind speed at ground level.
When in "wind layer", move the height slider to the desired elevation.e.g. wind at 3000m in Zugspitze (The Alps, Germany-Austria border)
Is it possible to do this programmatically - I'layer', '100m') and then run interpolate({lat,lon}), but when I check the result it returns ground level. Code is below...
store.set('level', '100m'); interpolator(interpolatorFun => { for (const site of json_file.features) { let wind; let lat = site.geometry.coordinates[1]; let lon = site.geometry.coordinates[0]; const data = interpolatorFun({lat,lon}, 1); wind = data && utils.wind2obj(data); const marker = L.circleMarker([lat, lon], wellStyle()).addTo(map); let tooltip = '<div>' + wind.wind.toFixed(1) + ' m/s <br />' + '</div>'; marker.bindPopup(tooltip); } })
Wait until data loaded before calling the interpolator:
broadcast.on("redrawFinished", params=>{interpolator(interpfun=>{......
@rittels thanks - works perfectly!
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