Indian newly updated map
Please make sure and recently government approved newly updated map of india.
Thanks -
Thank you for your post, however the place names are not controlled by Windy.
Please see the following posts about how the map data for Windy is sourced and displayed from
Please also note: For every language, a different place name label can be displayed, so please choose your correct language and data display.
Further discussion of place name and language issues or disputes should be directed to the OpenStreetMap Forum here: > scroll down & select > users: (the relevant country for your dispute and/or question)
In the case of a political dispute please leave such topics out of the Windy forum and instead focus on the discussion of weather.
Thank you :)
Let's stop and think for a minute:
An Indian citizen asks Windy to conform to the map that their government publishes. Then:
A Chinese citizen asks Windy to conform to the map that their government publishes. Then:
A Pakistani citizen asks Windy to conform to the map that their government publishes...
If you REALLY APPRECIATE Windy, for what they do (it's just a weather app), why would you put them into this position?
Are you a "Friend" of Windy? Or:
Are you pushing some sort of agenda?
@JRep65 Wow, this is simply the best answer to the never-ending territory question. Thumbs up, John!
Have you ever heard of propaganda? This is what some suspicious minds think of. And they certainly have their reasons.