New windy plugin: Feature Tracker
Hey Windy community,
I've just published a new Windy plugin, named
I've always wanted a tool that could give me timing for convective showers at my location, based on radar; which as we know, the model can't give us. I'm in a co-working space in Thailand at the moment, and I'm hoping this tool will be able to give me timings for thunderstorms before they arrive! It should hopefully work nice for midlatitude polar-maritime airmasses too.
It's in Beta now, please do try it out, the docs are on Github. Comments and suggestion are very welcome.
Thanks to @rittels and @marekd for the helping hand.
@Gkikas-LGPZ @TomSlavkovsky @ivo @stitch @vicb, you guys be interested to take a look too.
@vicb – Cool, thanks for the link! I knew this type of thing was on the way... I wonder when/if it'll make it to production, and who'll be providing it first (will Google follow through?). The problem of convective cell generation and dissipation has always been the tricky part, not to mention identifying the cells themselves.
Machine learning really is the future with weather prediction, but I also feel like people think it's currently further along than it really is!
Dear John;
"featuretracker" is not available through "Menu" - "Install Windy plugin".
Additionally I see that
What am I doing wrong?
@Gkikas-LGPZ – You've answered your own question there: it's not available in the menu because it hasn't been tested enough to ask the Windy guys to add it to menu!
So thanks for the feedback, this is a bug for sure. Could you tell me your operating system and browser please? I'll hunt it down if I can find some time :)
Windows 10, Firefox 72.
Here is a screenshot for latest run of Feature Tracker.
Today, the black window is not empty, but the message seems to be wrong
(the trajectory doesn't affect your location ...)
@johnckealy So when you test it properly, tag me in the post to add your plugin to the menu :-)