Error uploading to, worked before!
Hi, all!
I have been uploading to for a while now, i was an early adept, but now my uploads are not working anymore! I run WeatherDisplay console on a RPI3b and it Always worked. But now i get this message: ERROR
invalid measurement values: 'station': DW5301; This is my raw send: /usr/bin/curl -v -H "Connection:close" " &station=DW5301&winddir=181&ts=1574780400&windspeedmph=6&windgustmph=14&humidity=87&tempf=52.3&rainin=0.024&baromin=29.543&dewptf=48.5&uv=0.0" I partly erased my api-key, if you should need it, please ask so!Thanks in advance
PS: I also donated to the cause, because this is a great project!!
Marc AKA staccermaccer from Antwerp, Belgium,
Thanks for nothing!
Hi @staccermaccer, there is a problem in the station name. Station must be:
32 bit integer; required for multiple stations; default value 0; alternative names: si, stationId
Check following thread on Community: