Is now permanently redirecting to
Hi, there are a couple of webcams I am used to catching up with on But when I go to my links they are now redirecting to, and unfortunately it looks like attempts to open the webcam in a side panel, but the browser I have to use on that PC is Edge and it's not displaying. So, I'm wondering, is functionally not available any more?
Yes, it is like that. The old lookr is not available anymore, all the webcams are now accessible through windy. As windy user, you can also mark your favorite webcams. Regarding the edge issue, I'm afraid we don't support it.
@janviers If you use the latest Edge version, it should be supported. We will check it and release the fix as soon as possible.
@janviers I just test it and webcam detail works like a charm on Edge browser. There is only one issue with the nearest webcams popup on forecast detail, but it is different site. For example this is working for me:
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