Opensource ~629 webcams and meteostations in Russia
Hi, everyone!
Please check - it contain 629 webcams and meteostations info, but I have no idea how I can add them all to because images from webcam is not a simple jpeg, it's a pure data kide of: ""
For example:
May be it will be usefull for windy project, may be not.
Thank you for attiention, and sorry for my poor english. -
hello @rgkulkin, thanks, there is a huge list of similar sites we would like to integrate. your proposal have been added there. I believe we will get to it soon.
Hello, @kekert, great news! Thank you!
Hi everyone,
On the same subject... Is the webcams comes from Openstreetmap? Because, I'm entering some webcams in OSM and i can't see them in Windy... And I don't want to enter them twice.
Thanks for the reply!