Product addition suggestion
hi, Windyty
First of all, I would like to thank you very much for your weather data. This is an unrivaled excellent weather website. Use effect is very good and realized mobile office. The abundance of EC model data is very admirable. Other meteorological websites cannot provide abundant EC model data
Based on the experience of using forecast products, several Suggestions are put forward: EC model has sounding forecast but lacks the forecast of the rising and sinking movement of the atmosphere, and it is suggested to add the forecast of vertical velocity to better forecast the weather. GFS mode lacks sounding and vertical velocity prediction and is recommended to be added. At present, the GFS model of major meteorological websites generally has sounding forecast and vertical velocity is generally added. GFS model does not have freezing height and snow depth forecast, it is recommended to add. The temperature side of the EC and GFS models suggests adding ground temperatures for better reference models for accurate weather forecasts