Strange appearance
Over the last couple of months I am experiencing on both of my pcs (incl. a Laptop) a strange appearance when opening Windy. Sometimes the complete window is like here on the screenshot partially shown. (brown with arrows). After a few minutes going back and forth and closing/opening the program in Firefox (latest version) its gone and fine, but not always. Am using a Geforce 1080 graphik board.
Hello @achim-martin, I have tested Firefox the latest version and everything seems to be working. You can try to edit the gfx.color_management.mode and switch the value to 2 or 1. Depends what is currently set.
Otherwise I may recommend you to use another browser. -
@Korina Thanx for the info, however where can I change that gfx.color management mode exactly - please advise.
In the meantime here is yet another screenshot. You may notice that there are quite warm , if not hot colours and temperature figures within the picture, truly unlike the figures at the bottom with the real temperatures of now in January. For some reason sometimes I get a world picture that looks more like summer and not the current one, which you can see by comparing the temperature at the bottom. Something serious is not functioning I'm afraid. -
Hello @achim-martin, here is a link with a simple manual where you can change gfx.color management mode -
Furthermore, the screenshots you send me are fairly similar and as you can see your location picker is in Morroco, so the temperature values are displayed correctly.
Screenshot 2020-01-07 at 16.47.31
Thanx for the info. Sorry for the double picture, which happened accidently during uploading. Hope, this time I'll do it correctly. For the last week the picture was still bad, no visible colours etc., today, Saturday its like this pciture below, with temperatures lke in the summer. It is definately nothing like this red colour and not 26 degreees. Actually right now its 18 degrees and it won't be 26 degrees today nor on Tuesday or any day within the next month or so. On the bar you can also see the approx temperatures being expected for the coming week. The picture with the airflow and different colour temperatures is definately incorrect and somewhat from last summer.
Other than that, next time I got somel time left for this I'll try your colour temperature advise. Thanx -
Please note, that as I now replied above with an updated screenshot I can now see in the picture, that it does not show the temperature, which windy does on the actual picture which I can see. For somel reason the screenshot program does not capture that.
So, on my pc windy did show me today a temperature of 26 degrees for Gran Canaria when clicking on the area. While in the bar below it shows reasonable and seemingly true figures, as mentioned above in my comment. -
And here is another one. When I checked it there were the temperatures in the window, so now it seems the temperatures are visbile- As you can see the temperatures again are far to warm for the moment. And yes, I have changed the value to 1 according the the link and it shows colours now and airflow, but again, not the correct.
This post is deleted! -
Sorry, for the various comments, but it is not easy for me to comment here for technical reasons. Lots of tipos when I check the final upload. So now I try again and hopefully for the last time! :-)
This screenshot now shows a capture of the map at least with the seemingly correct colours but wrong little temperatures (like 27degrees on Gran Canaria) but the correct big temperature of 15 degrees when I click on the area of Gran Canaria. -
And now that I changed the colour management mode to 1 the old wrong picture appears again, too. 2 or 1 either way, that does not cause the issue. this time I won't upload a screenshot again, since it's like the old one. Some brown picture...
Hi @achim-martin, it is inconvenient this issue still shows up, I tested it, but couldn't replicate the same problem. Right now I need to recommend you to use another browser. We know that sometimes Firefox causes problems, however we do not have capacities to resolve it at the moment, since it's fairly complex matter. Thank you for understanding.