7 Day Wind
Updated app does not display 7 days of forecast wind. There is a button in setting to enable but it does not function.
I’m seeing the same. The app seems to try to show it initially but the 7-day bar disappears right away.
Hi @akdocauer @jinwoo68, we currently have a problem on out servers, therefore you do not see the usual forecast. We are working on it. Bear with us.
While problems of this nature are understandable it would be helpful if they could be reported on the error console to avoid as I did uninstalling and reinstalling the app and rebooting my tel.
FYI. I'm seeing this in my error console. Probably related.
{ "runningMs": 20331, "type": "user", "module": "detail", "msg": "Detail render fail: a[s[1]] is undefined", "line": 117, "url": "https://www.windy.com/?37.599,126.978,5,i:pressure", "script": "index.js", "ver": "22.3.3", "target": "index", "stack": "weatherData@https://www.windy.com/v/22.3.3.ind.35bb/index.js:117:284 init@https://www.windy.com/v/22.3.3.ind.35bb/plugins/detail-render.js:18:3105 Q@https://www.windy.com/v/22.3.3.ind.35bb/plugins/detail.js:1:20409 load/
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