Cannot find isolines options on Android phone.
Hi Folks,
Love the app. I've started using it for my community forecasting website.
However, I cannot find any upper atmosphere isolines options on the Android app, except for the pressure option. I can find it on the desktop and save that link to my phone browser and view isolines of temperature in the upper atmosphere via the mobile site - but not via the there are no isolines options listed on the app via my Android Samsung A30.
Temperature isolines or Geopotential isolines are not available on the phone App. -
@idefix37 Thank you for your reply. It's a wonderful app.
Isolines are critical when identifying upper disturbances with enough accuracy to determine more accurate convective activity. And low level cold pools need accurate identification to determine isolated snowfalls in my region, like the surprise snowfall last year on September 17th, in the Blue Mountains, Australia.
So, if the app doesn't show them but the mobile site can via a bookmark from my desktop, I will have to use the mobile site instead of the app.
Isolines are very important in forecasting, to determine localised features.
Thanks for your response. - web admin and forecaster. A community weather initiative.