Gfs resolution
Is it possible to change gfs resolution to high resolution please
GFS is a model of the NOAA.
Forecast data are provided by this weather agency with a resolution of 0.5° (23 to 28 km depending where you are).
How can you imagine that Windy can increase this resolution ? -
Actually, a quick correction to that statement @idefix37; the GFS actually does run at about 13km resolution, but NOAA only provide 0.25° for free. They also do a 0.5° version, but Windy uses the 0.25° grid (23-28km at USA latitudes maps to 0.25°, not 0.5°).
@elninohm, you might have noticed that Windy is a free resource; so the answer to your question is no... we've been more than spoiled already, being gifted ECMWF data for free :)
You are right GFS data are provided at 0.25° resolution.
I should have realized that 0.5° is 55km, sorry for the mistake.
We know that a 13km resolution is used during computation of GFS, but the free data are not provided at such resolution. Some weather apps, for instance Windfinder, claim they offer GFS forecasts with a 13km resolution which obviously is wrong. The request of @elninohm probably comes from this kind of abuse. Or do they have a solution to obtain this resolution? -
@idefix37 – Don't want to go off on too much of a tangent from the OP, but I really wonder how NOAA deal with this step-change between the 13km and the 22km version of GFS... If one were to simply downscale the 13km version, that would really mess with the way the parametrization works... If only the documentation was less opaque :(
It's certainly possible that Windfinder just pays for the 13km simulations. There must be SOME reason why people still use them hehe :)
Buenas, como continúa el tema de la resolución del GFS? Existe la resolución nativa del modelo 13 km y la malla postprocesada de 0.25º pero no conozco la politica de los datos. ¿No están disponibles los de 13 km?
@fran_j Hello, we do not offer GFS 13km.