Wrong location, web cam
The webcam icon for Yuma Arizona Yuma Foothills is in the wrong location. Not sue where it is suppose to be. No rivers that size around Yuma. In the owner tick box for the web cam says it comes from underground weather at: http://icons.wunderground.com/webcamramdisk/s/p/Springville/1/current.jpg?1211287557. I did a search in under ground weather for the city "Springville." There are 9 of them. Could not determine where it should be with certainty using Google Earth.
Hello @joeyyuma, if you think the position of a particular webcam is not accurate, you can correct the position through 'Edit' option in the webcam's detail. Thank you.
Hello @idefix37, webcams can be edited by anyone, so it is probably not the reason. Suggestions for changes are checked manually. If you want, you can try to edit it again and then send me the name of the webcam, I will have a look.
OK, I try again. And if I don’t succeed, I’ll give you the details about it. -
Hello Korina, I edited the location putting it up by the bay area of California. It is closer to being in a correct location than in Yuma Arizona. However, it is still not the correct location, just closer to where it look like it should be by the plant life and weather.
Joe. -
Hi @joeyyuma, If you want, you can try again and send me the webcam ID, so I can check it. Thanks!
@Korina said in Wrong location, web cam:
Hello @idefix37, webcams can be edited by anyone, so it is probably not the reason. Suggestions for changes are checked manually. If you want, you can try to edit it again and then send me the name of the webcam, I will have a look.
Hi, Korina, finally I have succeeded to change a webcam location which was wrong. It just took over a week to see the change applied.
Hi @idefix37 That's good! These changes are checked manually, so it may take some time.