Can we use pictures, animations or videos from Windy in our TV, webpage, newspaper, project...
@Tex be sure to check out, which combines sailing routing with windyty visualization :)
We would like to use Windy on our flight planning portal,, and we would like to know if your solution is still free to use and what are the conditions if we want to use it.
Thank you!
@AdinaP Hi, yes the conditions are still the same, check the
Dear all,
we would like to insert links of windy on our webpage Is this also free to use? We are a boat charter agency.
Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to your answer!
Sebastian Krahn
To whom may it concern.
I’m Jung from S.Korea.
Currently, I work in Kakao corp and our team is interested in map which will be used for commercial purpose on our web search service.
Kakao's search service provides the weather information(, and our users want to see a visual weather(air pollution) information.
So, we would like to display 'Windy air map' service in real-time on our web service using the iFrame.
Can we use for this purpose?
I look forward to your reply.
@alpha-omega As long as logo Windy will be visible
@ivo Thank you for your reply.
I have a another question.
Do you have a plan to add the PM2.5 and PM10 layers?
In Korea, PM2.5 and PM10 are very useful data due to recent interest in fine dust.
Hello Windy Team!
I have a question about commercial use. Is an internal use of windy in a company allowed (a 100-200 querys of data/day-just location points )? No presentation to the outside world or rerouting of data oruseage of the api v4. Maybe I missed something in the FAQ?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
@windy_vs_ventu Hi! Unfortunately querying our backend is not allowed. Beside overloading our infrastructure it can lead to license issues. Thank you for understanding.
@tz Hi Windy Team, I did not mean querying in a programming way, just 100-200 "typing in by hand" of locations and checking the weather as shown on your website by human interaction.
Best Regards,w_vs_v
@windy_vs_ventu Could you please tell us more about your usecase and what is the name of your company?
@tz Hi, we use your website for cross checking the weather for our wind / solar plant locations.
@windy_vs_ventu And which company? You can write me in chat if you do not want to publish the answer.
My name is Tammy, I am a Production Manager working at Atlantic Productions, in London -
We are working with the Weddell Sea Expedition 2019 ( on a documentary.
We filmed a sequence with the Meteorologist who makes use of your website to keep track and check whether any massive depressions come in for the expedition and we would like your permission to use the images, from your website that were taken at the time of filming, in our documentary?
Please do let me know if there is someone else we need to get in touch with about this, as we are quite keen to move forward.
Kind regards
Tammy -
@AtlanticPM1 Hello Tammy, thank you for contacting us. I have replied to your email, basically there is no problem at all. :)
Hello is it possible to get a realtime map link for a FB page (modelplane airfield)?
I do not get a map. -
I am a 3rd year geography student at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. I am currently working on a project for my cartography class making a thematic map showing the correlation between surf spots and shark attacks in Australia. I was planning on using Windy’s data on surf spot to create shapefiles and point locations. I was wondering if there was any way to access this data in a more compatible format with arcgis or excel and if it could potentially be opened up as open source. Data or shapefiles would be greatly appreciated to reduce my workload. If this is possible, please let me know. Anything helps.
Pat Marsh -
Not possible. Licences don't allow it.
Hi !
I have a personnal weather station, registered a some days ago on Windy.
I wish to put a small banner/icon link to windy (and/or to my station on windy) on my site.
Do you have any banner / icon /sticker available for this ? -
I just wanted to make sure I'm doing everything right.
Does my website show the logo the way you want it to?
Instead of putting "source:" I put Weather Maps Provided By Windy.Webpage link: