Display weather detail in API
Is it possible to display the weather detail (and wind, meteogram, airgram and waves) in the Windy API? It's possible in a plugin using
broadcast.fire('rqstOpen', 'detail', {lat, lon})
. Trying this in the API throws:lib.js:77 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentElement' of null at Object.createNode (lib.js:77) at Object._mount (lib.js:57) at Object.open (lib.js:57)
Do I need to somehow register the detail panel first or is it simply not possible?
Jase bojim ze v knihovne
neni detail vubec uvazovan. Je to omezeny subset kodu. -
Je to jak píše @ivo, z bundle API knihovny tento kus kódu vyhazujeme. Cílem API je mapa, nikoliv forecast.
Díky, nechám tam tedy odkaz na
. -
Will "detail" forecast plugin be added to the Windy API?
Here it looks like it is possible, but only "picker" and "menu" are able to opened using: