Wind chill
Is there any way to see wind chill readings?
@mcolton64 Hello, wind chill layer is not implemented yet -
@KORINA Why not? We all know it's not on your road map - so no need to tell us that again...
We want you to put it on your road map.
Then, we want you to use your road map to tell us when it will arrive.
And of course, the necessary formula to create a new "wind chill" layer is simple and uses the data we can already toggle for display.
Since it's such a simple implementation, perhaps the most obvious explanation is that you have decided not to provide this.
In which case, the way to keep the support of those users who would like it would be to explain why you will not put it on your road map
@coolcmsc Hi, we are working hard on new features all the time, we have just simple focused on more important tasks now.
@korina HaHa!
Its official: Windy considers Wind Chill unimportant.
I have a recollection you gave the same answer some time ago in a different thread on this topic - I haven’t bothered to check, as it was so long ago, so apologies if I’m incorrect.
That’s an astonishing miscalculation of user needs and desires, notwithstanding the frequency with which it is discussed here.
So, I simply don’t believe you, sorry.....
I prefer to believe that you have not consulted those in the organisation responsible for matching user needs to your development roadmap.
So, good luck with persuading not only your amateur users, but also your corporate clients that a Wind Chill layer is unimportant (or at least it’s inclusion as a thread beside the temperature data thread) 😂‼️
Anyway, thanks for replying and please take care and I hope all those that matter to you are able to do that as well 🌈
They never said that wind chill is unimportant.
They said is less important than other tasks (e.g. 3D).
Don't be a strict judge. -
@coolcmsc Hello, I did not say this.
Wind chill is not unimportant, it is just less important than other tasks, we are busy with.
@gkikas-lgpz Thanks for this reply.
Beware misinterpreting strict interpretation of moderator statements with scrupulous or nuanced analysis.
Perhaps you didn’t read my point that was being replied to.
Remember, if you did read it, that I had asked for Windy to let customers know where Wind Chill sits on your roadmap. The failure to address that in any way, opened the door to a scrupulous analysis of the what the vague reply means.
By reviewing all the threads on this topic and how Windy has responded, my headline becomes a plausible interpretation.
I’m impressed with your attention to my replies, provocative as you may feel them to be. I also respect that you haven’t excluded me.
It’s now time to stop telling us about other more important projects that are not the subject of this thread. Focus on a positive statement about wind chill.
Complete the thread with a more confident positive statement about when Wind Cill will be addressed.
Thank you 😀
@korina Thank you.
I refer you to my reply to Gkikas LGPZ just now.
Your two replies avoid addressing my question. It tells us that there are more important matters - I accept that - and mentions 3D - a very exciting prospect, I agree‼️
But please try to answer my question and please do so without using phases that simply make it clear wind chill is less important than other things. We get that; you say that regularly.
Instead, try completing this sentence by replacing ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ in the sentence:-
"Windy has ‘X’ number of projects ahead of Wind Chill on its roadmap. Windy expects to start work on wind chill in ‘Y’ months and aims to deliver wind chill as a temperature beside the current temperature data in the year ‘Z’.
Go on, ask the team and have a go at that. It’s good business practice to take this more positive and committing approach to roadmap creation. Let us know the outcome please.
Good luck with all your work. I only take the time to reply at such length here because your work is important to very many people and organisations.... Oh and I love the Vendée 🌈