Loading data issue (forecast timeline mis-alignment) - Error codes below.
Error no: 1
"runningMs": 90738,
"type": "user",
"module": "isolines",
"msg": "Error loading/rendering isolines",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/-Show---add-more-layers/overlays?gust,38.455,-122.256,5,i:pressure",
"script": null,
"ver": "23.1.0",
"target": "index",
"latestBcast": "bcast: redrawFinished (21070ms. ago)
store: isolines gh (289ms. ago)
bcast: paramsChanged (166ms. ago)
render: rendered particles (165ms. ago)
bcast: noConnection http (2ms. ago)
"sessionName": "us-1",
"sessionCounter": 1,
"lang": "en",
"retina": false,
"size": "1920x1080",
"glParticles": true,
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "error-loadingrendering-isolines"
Error no: 2
"runningMs": 114921,
"type": "user",
"module": "isolines",
"msg": "Error loading/rendering isolines",
"line": null,
"col": null,
"url": "https://www.windy.com/37.268/-122.025?gust,36.768,-122.025,8,i:gh",
"script": null,
"ver": "23.1.0",
"target": "index",
"latestBcast": "bcast: redrawFinished (995ms. ago)
bcast: log detail2/source/search (449ms. ago)
store: metric_wind bft (59ms. ago)
bcast: metricChanged wind (58ms. ago)
bcast: noConnection http (0ms. ago)
"sessionName": "us-1",
"sessionCounter": 1,
"lang": "en",
"retina": false,
"size": "1920x1080",
"glParticles": true,
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "error-loadingrendering-isolines"
} -
Hello, there is a problem with displaying isolines on pressure layer.
Please try to use other browser and see if the issue will prevail.