Pilot’s guide to Windy’s most useful weather forecasting features
It’s been a while since we came across a video from Mischa Gelb’s YouTube channel in which he praised Windy.
A lot of time has passed since then, but recently we’ve remembered Mischa again. That was when we thought it would be great to have a video showing practical use of Windy, shot by someone who is actively using it. So we approached Mischa and to our joy, he agreed.
Yesterday, Mischa has posted the video on his channel, so check it out.
I walk you through the features that I love best about Windy.com. Flying helicopters in the pacific north west you deal with a lot of terrible weather. We are constantly forced to make decisions on the fly as to whether or not we will go flying or if we are going to terminate a flight. We need good accurate weather reports and that’s why I use Windy.com as one tool to support my decision making.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments section. We are more than satisfied.
Although I'm interested in Windy for planning my boat cruises, I'm also an ex pilot
and can see the tremendous value that Windy brings to the table. Excellent video, I'm completely sold!