Symbols explained
Where can I find all the symbols explained? Especially symbols for cloud cover and rain.
@dougbeers Hi, layers/symbols are explained if you click on the 'clock symbol'-
There is no clock symbol on the page! Do I need a new version? How?
Are you on the phone App or on on desktop? - desktop
So you should see the small clock in the low right corner of your screen.
Find additional information on symbols here: -
Hi there,
I have the same question but the answer is not given in the links you posted.
What I mean by symbols, is the symbol that is below each 3-hour interval of a place. For instance, take a look at the image I highlighted. Where can I find the symbols for these?Thanks,
The meaning of the symbols you highlighted:
Mostly cloudy
Partly cloudy (or mostly sunny)
Mostly cloudy (at night)
Partly cloudy (at night)
P.S. during the night time, the sun symbol is replaced by the moon symbol. -
What does this symbol mean?
(4 horizontal bars pointed to by a red line I added to the pic below) -
@ss1007 that symbol indicates fog
Soo, all helpful so far.
But is there no help page that simply lists each of the symbols with their explanation?
It’s absurd that we have to post screen shots with annotated arrows on to ask about each.
Of course, I appreciate the time taken to reply, but the amount of time spent of responding to this thread could instead be spent creating the help page.
Just put that in the help contents list and place a link to it here and in the other thread on the topic.
What are these two: exactly and how are they different?
Overcast with rain/thunderstorm
Partly cloudy with rain/thunderstorm -
Y Yves70 referenced this topic on
The symbols shown on the map are NOT explained the way you describe!
What symbols? Could you show a screenshot ? -
Unfortunately not, But yesterday I saw some exclamation marks in the map.
I would really like to see a legend of ALL the weather markers used on the map. -
Exclamation marks meaning is clearly displayed on website.In the mobile app, it is shown in the top banner