We are launching Windy Premium - even better forecast for just price of a lunch
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I am a farmer in Indian I use windy and its really really helpful for me I do all my farming practices with the help of windy only. Now i am in such condition that without windy farming practices will become imposible for me.its really a great app.
Could you let us know what type of maps and data you use for your work in your farm ? Rain forecast seems obvious of course but I am curious to know what are the other data useful for you as farmer. Thanks -
@petra-pik dobrý den. Uz je znam termín, kdy se bude model ECMWF aktualizovat čtyřikrát denne? Dekuji.
@Bbary Dobrý den, až začne škola nebo možná i o chvilku dříve ;-)
@TZ a porad nic 😉
@Bbary Je fajn, ze mame takoveho horliveho priznivce. Uz je to nasazeno. Pokud nebudou zadne problemy, kvuli kterym bychom to museli stahnout, tak poznate zmenu teprve az bude aktivni 06 reftime, coz by melo byt kolem 15:00 SELC. Ted to moc nepoznate, protoze je aktivni pulnocni beh modelu.
@TZ v minulých dnech jsem to poznal. Bylo to k 15 hodině. Nevýhodou bylo, ze se neaktualizoval widget. Teď poslední dva dny se opět ECMWF aktualizuje jen dvakrát denne.
@Bbary Prosím buďte trpělivý a počkejte si na oficiální release. Až to bude, tak to oznámíme. Ve webové verzi by to mělo ode dneška fungovat. Zatím pouze v Evropě. Postupně budeme nasazovat dále. Pokud jsme psali, že to bude za měsíc nebo dva, tak to byl pouze odhad. Žádné oficiální datum zatím není. Snažíme se to vydat co nejdříve, ale je to postupný proces.
@Korina Any progress with more frequent model updates?? :D
Problems like missing data
are keeping me from buying a subscription.I hope this is an actual problem and not some attempt to cripple the free version because in that case you are not helping yourselves.
Kind regards, Rutger
Hello @rutger13, thank you for considering the Premium version.
Data outage in weather radar can occur and usually are solved within days, depends on the severity of the technical issue.
We don't 'cripple' the free version in any way. -
@petra-pik well this problem exists since July and it is now September so it seems this takes more than a couple of days. I’m seeing and hearing a lot of annoyance among the Dutch about this. After you fix it, I will consider a premium subscription.
Hi @Rutger, we are sorry for the inconvenience. As mentioned above, data outage can be caused by multiple technical issues on our or our provider's side.
I noted the new Windy Premium service,, an interesting addition to an already excellent facility. I provide both Weather Station and Webcam feeds to Windy - for doing so, am I to be offered a complimentary or reduced subscription?
Hello @atb, thank you for supporting us by adding your weather station and webcam!
We don't offer any kind of reduced subscription. -
Hi, Can I buy a License and share with my friends?
@jpn Hello, Windy Premium can be assigned only to one user account.
Get back 3D globe and you get me to pay Premium :-)