We are launching Windy Premium - even better forecast for just price of a lunch
@petra-pik well this problem exists since July and it is now September so it seems this takes more than a couple of days. I’m seeing and hearing a lot of annoyance among the Dutch about this. After you fix it, I will consider a premium subscription.
Hi @Rutger, we are sorry for the inconvenience. As mentioned above, data outage can be caused by multiple technical issues on our or our provider's side.
I noted the new Windy Premium service,, an interesting addition to an already excellent facility. I provide both Weather Station and Webcam feeds to Windy - for doing so, am I to be offered a complimentary or reduced subscription?
Hello @atb, thank you for supporting us by adding your weather station and webcam!
We don't offer any kind of reduced subscription. -
Hi, Can I buy a License and share with my friends?
@jpn Hello, Windy Premium can be assigned only to one user account.
Get back 3D globe and you get me to pay Premium :-)
@baraconsult Hello, we plan to put 3D globe back.
je me suis abonné à windy prime hier 15 novembre 2020 et je suis dans l'impossibilté d'actver cette fonctionnalité
Je n'ai jamais reçu de mot de passe et pourtant j'ai payé.... -
Hello @rricharddehedin, thank you for supporting us by subscribing to Windy Premium!
Your Windy account is the one you are logged into this forum with.
To access your premium features, follow the steps in this manual: https://community.windy.com/topic/11832/what-to-do-if-you-can-t-access-your-windy-premium-features.
Note that the restoration process has to be followed on the device you originally placed an order.If the restoration fails, please, let me know in which step it failed and if there was an error message.
Tout est rentré dans l'ordre
merci de votre réactivité
Par contre pourriez vous m'expliquer pourquoi je n'arrive pas à supprimer les étapes dans le planificateur d'itinéraires ???.
La croix est inactive ...
merci par avance -
@korina Any details about 3D globe? Beta available?
Hi @baraconsult, we are working very hard on the 3D view right now. Right now, there is no beta available.
Looking forward to 3d Globe, I loved it back in the day :)
Interesting how basic features covered 10 day forecast from the ECMWF and GFS have now been reduced to 6. So features were removed so they could be added back as premium. This is better how? Normally features remain the same and premium adds new and exciting features. Now you get to pay for features you originally had. Interesting business model.
What a rip off !!! it does not work. Learn some programming !
@Peter-Williams-4 Hello, what does not work exactly? I see that you are already Premium, so you should be able to access all its features as long as you log in with the same account.
@Gray_Fox We want to keep improving Windy and maintaining high-quality data as we have been able to do up to now. That's why we decided to offer more value for our subscribers' support and move some of the features to Premium only. But, as you know, Windy stays ad-free, and the major part of our features is still freely accessible.
I've been a premium subscriber for a while, even when the benefits were marginal to me, and I like Windy a lot. But, watch your premium segmentation with care, ventusky.com is free and addresses a number of models without ads [it appears to be something of a side project?].
Once people are more alert about it, segmenting certain features into Premium may be a bit pushing on a string. For what it's worth, the availability of hourly forecasting data with HRRR/NBM is why I suggest it to people not invested enough to pay for Windy to use Ventusky.
So here's what keeps me paying for Windy without complaint:
- Higher resolution ECMWF
- The denser presentation of forecast data across hours and days
- More obscure map layers, like soil moisture
Ventusky could fix #2, in many ways the mobile application and web site are a bit more polished than Windy, but perhaps some of the polish makes it difficult to make dense and functional presentation.
They have a number of layers, so I think they could fix #3 in all practical respects for widening use cases in time.
But with their side-project-ish (non) revenue, it seems unlikely they could approach #1, assuming high resolution ECMWF costs a decent amount of money.
While I don't mean to suggest that Windy should be looking to "compete" with Ventusky for market share or anything like that, the choice of what to put behind premium and advertise as reasons to buy premium exists in equilibrium with other things available, and I guess I'm affectionate enough about Windy that I wanted to give my impression of reasons why I feel satisfied in continuing to pay for Premium, as I have for some time. Consider it a bit of unsolicited user or market research.