(urgent) COVID-19 research -- do you happen to record webcams more frequently than daily?
I'm a researcher analyzing the spread of COVID-19, exploring a hypothesis between spread rate and public use of masks, which is generally discouraged in western countries and encouraged in Asian countries. Windy.com appears to archive webcams from across the world, some of which are detailed enough to observe mask wearing, e.g. Kawasaki Tama River. When I look at last month, I can only find daily photos at noon. Is there a chance somewhere in your system there exist more frequent images since the beginning of the pandemic, that you could share with me? My direct email is randy.sargent@cs.cmu.edu. Thank you!
Hello Randy, if you are looking for older images from the past months, you need to contact the provider of the webcam, who may store even older imagery than you see on Windy.Here is where you find the provider info (in the webcam detail) -