Active Pacific Waves In Japan, Kores, Taiwan, Alaska, and The US West Coast
This article will be written in multiple languages. This is so people in these areas that speak different languages can read this! Thank you! Enjoy! Always remember to leave feedback for me to improve your reading!
The wave tracker has a weird jump in it so these measurements might be off, sorry!
In Japanese:
ビデオでは、日本の東海岸から非常に荒い波が見えますが、今週の終わりと来週の初めに入ると、この地域には別の脅威があります。いくつかの調査の結果、WMOガイドラインの下で、これらの波は中程度から粗い波と見なされることがわかりました。これらの波は、4ft-11ftから日本全国のどこかです。In English:
In the video, you can see very rough waves off the east coast of Japan, but now going into the late week and early next week the area will have another threat. After some research, I figured out that the waves, under the WMO guidelines, that these waves will be considered moderate to rough waves. These waves will be anywhere in Japan from 4ft-11ftIn Korean:
비디오에서 일본의 동해안에서 매우 거친 파도를 볼 수 있지만 이제는 주 후반과 다음 주 초에이 지역에 또 다른 위협이 있습니다. 몇 가지 연구를 한 결과, WMO 지침에 따르면이 파도는 보통 파도에서 거친 파도로 간주 될 것입니다. 이 파도는 한국에서 4 피트 -11 피트부터In English:
In the video, you can see very rough waves off the east coast of Japan, but now going into the late week and early next week the area will have another threat. After some research, I figured out that the waves, under the WMO guidelines, that these waves will be considered moderate to rough waves. These waves will be anywhere in Korea from 4ft-11ftIn Chinese (for Taiwan and Mainland China):
在視頻中,您可以看到日本東海岸的海浪非常洶湧,但是現在進入下周和下周初,該地區將面臨另一個威脅。經過研究,我發現根據WMO指南,這些浪將被視為中等浪。這些海浪從4英尺-8英尺將在台灣和中國東南部的任何地方。In English:
In the video, you can see very rough waves off the east coast of Japan, but now going into the late week and early next week the area will have another threat. After some research, I figured out that the waves, under the WMO guidelines, that these waves will be considered moderate waves. These waves will be anywhere in Taiwan and SE Mainland China from 4ft-8ft.
In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there are very high waves anywhere between 10-40 ft. Thankfully once they get towards the land they don't get that high. In the Island chain off Alaska, they will experience moderate to rough waves, under WMO, with 4-10ft approximately. The Western Coast of the US will get the more moderate side with 4-5 ft waves if that.
Thank you for reading!