What to do if you can't access your Windy Premium features
I have sorted the problem I was confusing Windy.app, and Windy.com!!
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Hi. I purchased for annual subscription via website but I want to get refund. How can I get refund?
Hi @mcihany, I checked your subscription and you purchased it today, so I made a refund for you.
@Ondřej-Šutera Thanks a lot.
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Merci ça y est apparemment tout fonctionne. -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
Hi. Thanks for the assistance. That resolved the issue but is a bit subtle. If others are having this issue, and that appears to be the case, perhaps a link in the Subscription Confirmation email would be worthwhile, guiding the subscriber to this information if auto-activation isn't successful. Regards,
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@starn Hi, thanks for the input! Did you subscribe via App? We send the confirmation if you subscribe on a desktop.
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@Korina Hi Korina! I've payed vía google pay (with my user name of Google), but it doesn't work. I logging with the same user name of google.
Thanks a lot 4 helping.
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Ich habe versucht die Premiumversion für den Desktop zu kaufen und mit paypal bezahlt. leider werde ich nicht freigeschaltet. Fastspring sagt, das Paypal Konto wäre nicht in dem Land , in dem jetzt bin. Das ist Quatsch. Was kann ich tun?
Hi @Isolde-Fritsch-Hamann, I know you want to purchase our subscription, but we outsource the purchase process to Fastspring service. So I cannot help you with this matter since it looks like an issue on their end, and you probably need to contact them. I am sorry about that.
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@Korina said in What to do if you can't access your Windy Premium features:
请问我付费了,也点恢复购买了,为什么还显示“您似乎已离线”呢。 -
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I have made a second subscription by mistake. How can I recover it?
@mehmet-yılmaz1 Which platform did you use for the second purchase, that you want to refund? AppStore, Google Play or Fastspring?
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I have premium and have no trouble accessing all the premium features on my Macbookair/Safari. Unfortunatly on my new Samsung Android A13 I have downloaded the windy app and it shows me as logged in but I cannot access the premium options?
goldsternp@alum.mit.edu -
Did you log in on your phone with the same e-mail / password as on your MacBook ? -
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When trying to login (using the AP's button), get the message "there was an error, please,try it again later. I need Windy for sailing weather, fortunately my premium works on the computer, the app is blocked in free.
Please help -
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I followed the directions, but I can't access premium
@Sailorman2003 Can you provide further details about your purchase at support@windy.com? It would help us to get further info and help you to solve the issue.
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Does NOT work!
The Premium badge next to your username shows that your have access to Premium features. What exactly is not working ?