In these challenging times, will stay free and without advertisement.
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Hi! We are sailors counting the days that we will get out there again. We need you to stay strong just like we all try to be. You have the best weather product in the market, amateur or pro user. We back all your efforts. Thanks!
@ivo Thank you for bringing an update to the ECMWF forecast model every 6 hours.
Keep up the good work. Also brought the yearly premium subscription, for this wonderful peace of software :)
@ivo I am a student from China and should be your iron powder. I like windy very much. It gives me a lot of information. Unfortunately, I am a student and do n’t have any money to donate, but I still support windy. Believe windy
I'm a pilot of a beat up old single engine fixed wing Aeronca 11ac -- built in 1946, rebuilt by me 10 years ago after reposing in boxes for 35 years. Folks get a real kick when I start it by hand. Each time I run the risk of removing an arm, or worse. But I love doing it.
Another thrill for any unfortunate passengers is when I demonstrate the aircraft's incredible resistance to stall. I've had her down to 31 kts ias, practically walking speed, but I digress...It can be a lot of fun hanging things out there alright.
I also don't plan on listening to my better angels anytime soon.This app makes it possible to fly while others have to sit at home, unfortunately relying on our national weather service that has trouble predicting more than 12 hours out. Heck, they get the past weather wrong! Windy helps me find calm holes in the sky, a must for an airframe that's more like an underpowered kite with severe adverse yaw characteristics. I will always be extremely grateful for that.
May luck remain your friend ivo, always. See you up there some time.
Καλές θάλασσες, Καλή Ανάσταση! -
@temp850 Hopefully this all will be over soon! We truly appreciate your support. Take care ~ Windy
Guys thanks for the best weather app bar none! I live in Perth Western Australia and we have some off the best kite surfing conditions anywhere. You're apps amazing and ill thrown a few $$ for the cause! Cheers all
Gday Ivo ,
My wife and I live on our Catamaran and sail to isolated places around the South Pacific and our coastline of Oz. Your app allows us to have that extra lever to be able to make the correct decisions when making passages. An Absolutely brilliant forecasting system and we tip our caps to you guys ! Over. -
Well done. Thank's -
I work for MONUSCO weather services in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Briefing crew members from all sections of air operations; Commercial, humanitarian, military, government and Aviation Authority on current and future weather developments. As subscribed member of Windy, I am proud to let you know that your weather services are unequaled. Reliable, amusing, enjoyable and greatest of all times. The challenge we face currently is foundation for future planning and achievements to greater heights. Congratulations guys.Joseph Madimbo,
Goma, North Kivu, DRC, CENTRAL AFRICA. -
I upgraded to Premium, not only for new functionality, but for support one of the best app i use. Stay safe and healthy!
Felix😎&👩🐶🐶🐶🐶 -
I purchased premium today as a sign of my support. Thanks for such a great app. Stay safe everyone!
Fiz uma doação e também. Assinei o pro. Obrigado por constantemente aprimorar o app.
@ergun_33 unfortunately this isn't part of Windy Premium. :(
"Most of us, including me, have no fear of death... Yet we are witnessing the panic and hysteria that is not the equal danger we are facing."
By the same logic, those who have no fear of death, can drive cars without any speed limits and injure or kill others?
Also, have you given much thought to what medical professionals in places like New York, or Italian hospitals are going through currently? Perhaps they would prefer to be on the beach too.
Let's give nurses and doctors a chance to catch a breath, and scientists to do their work. There will be plenty of opportunities to loose the extra weight sailing, flying, kiting and hiking in the mountains.
BTW, great app!
Hi. Thank you for taking time to tell all your fans about how you're all coping under the pressures of lockdown. I am only a walker and cyclist but I rate Windy as one of the most important apps on my mobile. Keep up your amazing work and stay safe and well. Robin.
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@castello-v Well you are very wrong about me. I am very careful driver, driving very slow and also very careful pilot flying safe.
And concerning coronavirus, I do respect all restrictions, but I think the media buzz and social media hysteria just spread fear and does not help at all.
BTW I have personally decided that one of my company will donate equivalent of 4 mil USD to help small Czech companies that were hit by the crisis. I do personally fly a small plane do distribute protective equipment to the hospitals.