Full Screen
Is there a Full Screen mode on IOS app? How do you toggle between full screen and Normal view? I think I am in full screen and now all my favorite icons are not displaying vertically on the right side of the app.
@StemmeS10 Hi, what would you need exactly? It is already a full screen. Webcam fullscreen can be turn on in its detail.
For the Windy layers that I have chosen to display, how do I get icons only instead of icons with text. At one time on my Windy, I’ve seen the icons only in a vertical column on the right, but now I only see only five icons: Home, Cloud/lightning bolt, Hamburger Menus, Search, Account.
On the Windy IOS app, I’ve also lost the ability for route planning - it only displays measurements, not the dynamic route planning (e.g. VFR, IFR, etc). I’m getting the sense that I am in a mode that has shut down critical functionality OR there is a bug in the IOS app.
It seems you have the same worry as this user:
The new layout and route planner that you describe are those of the smartphone app. The old ones are those of the desktop version.
I suppose you use an iPad, which model? -
I am experiencing the exact same behavior as the user (you provided the link) on my iPad Pro (10.5). This iPad has enough real estate space to display the UI that the browser version does, so I’m not sure why you would change the UI and functionality (e.g. limited route planning).
I don’t know I am not in the Windy team, only a moderator.
I have not seen this change probably because I am using the iPad mini in addition to my desktop.
But did you used the app or the browser version on your iPad Pro? -
I am using the app on my iPad Pro, and my posts in this thread are related to the app not the browser version.
Thanks. So probably there were 2 different versions of the app, depending on the device, small or large iPad, and it's no longer the case.
@StemmeS10 Hello, the mobile layout has been on iPad for a long time. Anyway, the interface cannot be changed to browser view.
Would you please forward this issue to the Windy team?
Korina, I would have to disagree with your statement about the UI for iPad mobile app. On my iPad Pro on IOS, in the past I was able to:
• Present all Windy layers as separate icons, and not have to click the ‘hamburger’ menu to see these icons.
• Display the ‘Quick Menu’ and Forecast Type as toggle buttons in the lower right section of the app.
• Be able to use the Route Planner to see details of the route, like VFR, IFR, AirGram.Now, all that functionality is gone on the Windy app. That is a shame, as this functionality comprise critical workflows I look for on Windy. Your app is at a state where I won’t use it, and now I have to go to your browser version. Such a shame, as you are taking a backwards step in the evolution of your app. Perhaps your Product Manager should read this post and take it under consideration to reinstate these pieces of functionality. BTW, I am a huge fan of Windy, and am only providing this perspective in hopes of helping your team improve your already amazing product.
@StemmeS10 Hi, this is not a bug, on iPads of all sizes and mobile devices is the same mobile layout now. None of the previous functionalities disappeared. All can be found in the menu including layers. If you want to use route planing, just tap on the screen and a window with additional features will pop up.
@stemmes10 i have the same issue
@korina maybe but the window with VFR IFR doesn’t appear at the bottom of the page
@ericdozi said in Full Screen:
Hello, with the mobile version, Visibility layer has the legend bar placed at the bottom of the screen. As I mentioned it is not a bug.