Display Basic forecast in graph form
I love this web site, thank you. One suggestion. I find reading your forecast panel difficult and time consuming. Would you consider providing an option to make the Basic forecasting display the data in graph form(see insert) instead of text. I can look at this graph and within seconds know the weather for the upcoming week. It is simple, clean and user friendly. Thank you.
@boisvert Hi, what do you find difficult specifically? After all, It is a matter of individual opinion.
Hi @Korina . I'm with @boisvert on this.
I think the forecast could be displayed in a form that could be faster to read and understand. See the two screenshots for example. Both compare wind data of different forecast models for a specific location. First one is Windy, the other one is from meteoblue.com. Hard to argue against, in my opinion. ;-) So, please consider displaying wind data as a graph, too.
One suggestion to even improve the example from meteoblue would be to be able to select a specific forecast model and see it as highlighted graph. That way I could quickly see that (for example) the black graph is ECMWF and green is GFS and so on.
Great app anyway!! Keep going!! :-)
