The mm of rain seems very wrong in Brazil
Hi, im having a bit of trouble with the rain forecast on windy. Right now people are losing their homes basicaly because the city is underwater and the app only says its raining 3 mm when the news shows 90mm of rain just yesterday and says today will be worse. Can you fix it or help me understand that?
Which city?
Rain map over Brazil shows many rain areas with much more than 3 mm precipitation...
3mm per hour? per 3-hrs? per day? -
Sry, i forgot some critical info, im talking about salvador and the unit is mm/h.
@Marcel-Dantas Hi, so the amount in mm was correct?
@Korina im not sure. I still dont understand the unit of measurement used in the app.
Is it mm/h or mm/m² ?
We are on a very rainy period here and the app only says 9mm.
Precipitation rate for 1h forecast models is provided in mm (or litres per square metres, which is the same: 1mm x 1m x 1m = 1dm^3, i.e. 1 liter in terms of distilled water).