Hi! just noticed if you click on reported winds it shops up a few ships on the map! pretty cool anybody got more info? thanks guys stay safe!
Hi, there is a large part of these « ships » which are in fact weather buoys.
You can check it if you compare them with the NDBC list. But yes, there are ships that you can identify with there call sign. identify these real ships with the number shown on Windy fill « call sign » here -
WMO observing network contains both ships (voluntary observing ships or part of GTS network) and buoy stations.
Some met offices even use drones, turtles, whales, etc. as support for ocean weather sensors...
Buoys are generally static, ships are generally moving; both of them should have a series of standard weather sensors defined by WMO and provide messages of type SHIP or BUOY (which are extensions to the more generic SYNOP mesages). Ogimet web site (for example) provides part of them here (screenshot below).
WMO/GTS naming rules of all ocean observing stations are defined here.
Nice! love it!