We wanted to ask a question about the layers.
We have seen the layers of SATELITE, CLOUDS AND FOG, they are not found in the parameters that the API provides as data, we only see them visually. How can we get information from these layers?Regarding the GEOPOTENTIAL ALTITUDE variable, we cannot visually see the isolinees, we only see the data. How could we do to have the visual part?
Help us with the answe
Yes I would also like to switch between say clouds and wind with the API just like a user can, but I cannot find any documentation on how to do this anywhere at all.
@elingeniero1981 Hello, based on the API documentation, we do not offer these layers in Point forecast API, only in Map Forecast API.
Regarding the second question, please check this thread - https://community.windy.com/topic/7693/isolines-raster-layer-and-particle-speed-in-a-paid-api?_=1611831743846