Critical Differences between Desktop vs IOS versions
Especially for iOS using the iPad (aka plenty of real estate), here are some features that would be nice to implement (so I wouldn’t have to use the desktop version):
• Present all Windy layers as separate icons immediately visible, and not have to click the ‘hamburger’ menu to see these icons.
• Display the ‘Quick Menu’ and Forecast Type toggle buttons in the lower right section of the app.
• Be able to use the Route Planner to see details of the route, like VFR, IFR, AirGram.
That functionality is not present on the Windy app. That is a shame, as these functionalities comprise critical workflows I look for on Windy. Your app is at a state where I won’t use it, and now I have to go to your browser version to use Windy. Such a shame, as you are taking a backwards step in the evolution of your app. Perhaps your Product Manager should read this post and take it under consideration. BTW, I am a huge fan of Windy, and am only providing this perspective in hopes of helping your team improve your already amazing product