Forecast Accuracy
Dear Sir Madam,
I am a weather man and follow the weather everyday. I noticed that the accuracy of the forecast goes down on Spring and Autumn, especially precipitation.
Precipitation is one of the most difficult parameters to compute in global forecast models.
For more accurate precipitation forecast, the best thing is to rely on local forecast instead global models. Or well to evaluate which of the models provides forecasts closest to values observed by WMO stations for your local area.
MeteoBlue provides some more details here.
Performances of ECMWF model forecasts are provided here -
Windy does not create any forecast data but instead only visualises forecast and actual data received from various third party providers.
Windy therefore has NO control over the forecast or actual data provided.Thank you for your understanding :)
Maybe such an info (as well as about OSM maps data) should be displayed somewhere on Windy main UI; this would (maybe) avoid all those (legitimate) questions posted by users...