What source of weather data Windy use?
@Gkikas-LGPZ The introductory picture was updated.
AROME is provided with 2 resolutions 1.25km and 2.5km. One of them is updated faster. I suppose that Windy use only the 2.5km version? In this case it should better, may be, to mention only the resolution used on Windy ?
For GFS you give now a 13km resolution. I have understood that this 13km resolution is used for computation, but then data are dispachted with a 22/23km resolution. Or has this been changed -
@idefix37 Hello ! We use AROME with resolution 0.01° (1.3km). Both of the AROME resolutions have 00, 06, 12 and 18 ref time runs. There are also 03, 09, 15 and 21 ref time runs which we don't process. Advantage of AROME 0.025° (2.5km) is that it includes pressure-level layers. AROME 0.01° provides only surface-level layers, only wind and relative humidity are additionally in 20m, 50m and 100m altitude. However, AROME 0.025° also covers much smaller area - a square that covers whole France and a bit of surrounding area.
Hi @ivo! I am also curious about this topic. As I understand ECMWF is the model weather files/forecast is modeled in, and forecasts are produced of several met offices use in Europe. For what I know Yr.no (Norwegian Met Office) has more detailed topography, we often find their forecasts to be more accurate than i.e British Met Office.
Is this correctly understood? In case, is the yr.no data included in windy.com?
@andreasroe Do they offer their data for free?
They offer (for free) very little data and only for limited areas.
https://hjelp.yr.no/hc/en-us/articles/360009342993-GRIB-weather-data -
How can I see the source of data windy is using, for example regarding weather radar?
For the source of forecast data (model), press the "clock" symbol
Lightning data come from blitzortung.
WX radar data from national meteo. services, shown if you zoom in a country
e.g. DWD for Germany
For the ECMWF forecast data do you guys use the paid subscription or is there any free/community plan available for independent researchers ?
Any plans to add ARPEGE model which better covers Mediterranean Sea.
It seems that GRIB files should be free, similar to AROME that is already supported in Windy.
Model data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute which is also used for Yr.no in Scandinavia is freely available at http://thredds.met.no
I Sail in the Florida Keys. For today short term for case American GFS 22km resolution much different than Europe ECMWF 9km model. For instance rain arrival is different by 6 hours! Also don’t agree on the amount of precipitation.Anyone else thinks This is strange?!
Hi Capt’n
What can we say? That one model was more efficient than the other? Which one?
For short term forecasts have you tried NAM model which is available on Windy too? -
@ivo from what you can read at https://www.yr.no/artikkel/information-about-yr.no-1.2025949 the Norwegian national weather service use ECMWF data as just one of their sources for their own forecast model.
From comparing their Grib data with ECMWF as used in Windy now, I find the yr.no significantly more accurate, at least for my area of SW Norway.
Yr.no make their own data freely available, please see https://api.met.no.
For my area, I just use this url manually: https://api.met.no/weatherapi/gribfiles/1.1/?area=west_norway&content=weatherI would greatly appreciate for you to consider adding this data source to Windy as well, so the best interface could be used with the most accurate weather model. For starters, how about adding a feature to copy a grib file into Windy from another app?
Martinus -
@ivo Is there away to stickpin a certain weathermodel? E.g. I wanted to have ICON set permanently. How would I Do this? Looks like at the moment the user has to always check which weathermodel is being used. That can be annoying when flipping back and fro through maps and Forecasts... appreciate your answer. Best, Chris
@Gkikas-LGPZ when I am in the satellite view and add pressure, I do not see the clock icon. How can I know the source of pressure data in that case?
How do you "add pressure" to "satellite" layer?
These two data layers should exclude each other afaik.: one is real time observation, the other is computed forecast, then they could very rarely have same timestamp on the timebar.
From my pov., if they display together, there is a bug, as they cannot be contemporary. -
When you choose Satellite, with pressure isolines or without, the provider is shown in the right low corner. Eumetsat is the provider of satellite data. You can click on it to get information.In the same way you get the providers of Radar layer data per country.