What source of weather data Windy use?
For the source of forecast data (model), press the "clock" symbol
Lightning data come from blitzortung.
WX radar data from national meteo. services, shown if you zoom in a country
e.g. DWD for Germany
For the ECMWF forecast data do you guys use the paid subscription or is there any free/community plan available for independent researchers ?
Any plans to add ARPEGE model which better covers Mediterranean Sea.
It seems that GRIB files should be free, similar to AROME that is already supported in Windy.
Model data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute which is also used for Yr.no in Scandinavia is freely available at http://thredds.met.no
I Sail in the Florida Keys. For today short term for case American GFS 22km resolution much different than Europe ECMWF 9km model. For instance rain arrival is different by 6 hours! Also don’t agree on the amount of precipitation.Anyone else thinks This is strange?!
Hi Capt’n
What can we say? That one model was more efficient than the other? Which one?
For short term forecasts have you tried NAM model which is available on Windy too? -
@ivo from what you can read at https://www.yr.no/artikkel/information-about-yr.no-1.2025949 the Norwegian national weather service use ECMWF data as just one of their sources for their own forecast model.
From comparing their Grib data with ECMWF as used in Windy now, I find the yr.no significantly more accurate, at least for my area of SW Norway.
Yr.no make their own data freely available, please see https://api.met.no.
For my area, I just use this url manually: https://api.met.no/weatherapi/gribfiles/1.1/?area=west_norway&content=weatherI would greatly appreciate for you to consider adding this data source to Windy as well, so the best interface could be used with the most accurate weather model. For starters, how about adding a feature to copy a grib file into Windy from another app?
Martinus -
@ivo Is there away to stickpin a certain weathermodel? E.g. I wanted to have ICON set permanently. How would I Do this? Looks like at the moment the user has to always check which weathermodel is being used. That can be annoying when flipping back and fro through maps and Forecasts... appreciate your answer. Best, Chris
@Gkikas-LGPZ when I am in the satellite view and add pressure, I do not see the clock icon. How can I know the source of pressure data in that case?
How do you "add pressure" to "satellite" layer?
These two data layers should exclude each other afaik.: one is real time observation, the other is computed forecast, then they could very rarely have same timestamp on the timebar.
From my pov., if they display together, there is a bug, as they cannot be contemporary. -
When you choose Satellite, with pressure isolines or without, the provider is shown in the right low corner. Eumetsat is the provider of satellite data. You can click on it to get information.In the same way you get the providers of Radar layer data per country.
Pressure isolines (isobars) are always from ECMWF.
I think there is a problem here
because when in satellite and activate "pressure"
the isobars are those from the last session.
must try to replicate the following:Now, 12 May/23 Local (20 UTC) there is a high pressure ridge over Morocco
........ -
..... I go forward at (let say) Sat 16 May (20 UTC)
there is a 1021 hPa High over Morocco...... -
.... now,
if I go to satellite layer and activate pressure isolines (isobars)
I see those for Sat 16 May !!! with the 1021 hPa High over Morocco
(although sat. image is for today 12 May). -
As said in my previous post above, if forecasts and satellite image layers are displayed together on map, there would be a bug: they cannot be contemporary (excepted at full hours, maybe).
Satellite images are provided every 10 or 15 minutes; Windy should obtain that worldwide mosaic by merging images from differrent satellites, taken at small time difference (a couple of minutes or so, but surely not hours).
When combining satellite and atmospheric pressure layers together on map, then playing the animation over the whole available period on timebar (i.e. last 2, 6 or 12 hours), one can see that the pressure layer remains static over the whole period, while satellite images layer change at each time step...
Thus the pressure isobars layer doesn't follow current value on timebar as expected, which is wrong from my pov.
Having a static pressure isobars layer combined with animated satellite images would be useful for some specific deep analysis, but in such a case the validity time of the static layer should be clearly displayed on UI (I was not able to find it).
It was quite obvious for me that the isobars cannot match perfectly the satellite layer. And to get the best compromise it is necessary to set first the timeline on the current time. But I agree with you, that could be done automatically by Windy. From a theoretical point of view, it is wrong to mix forecast and observation. So in this case, Reported wind and Reported temperature should not been displayed at same time with all forecast layers. They show crazy values if the timeline is set 12 hours ahead and more... Windy needs a bit of understanding and training. -
From a development point of view:
Should there be some type of pop up warning about mixing these combinations of layers together?
Or should it just be impossible to mix these combinations in the first place?
What are everyone's thoughts about this?
My opinion:
Satelitte layer must be "mixed" with isobars and/or other isolines
ONLY if those isolines reffer to the time of sat. image (plus/minus 1 hour).
I agree with idefix37 that theoretically is wrong to mix forecast and observations
but practically I like to have sat. + isolines (isohypses) at 850 or 700 hPa
to predict the direction of thunderstorms movement.