Sugestion about more than 1 wind altitude level for pilots/sim pilots
As I see wind speed shows only ground level as raported by weather station.
We sim pilots often build our plight plan on prediction of wind speeds at difrent altitudes.
Would be so nice to be able select different altitudes of wind. Example:
Ground level, 10.000 feet (FL100), 20.000 feet (FL200), 30.000 feet (FL300) -
Windy cannot display observations reported by weather stations (which only provide values for real time observations) as "Wind Prediction"; for the latest, it displays data provided by NWP forecast models, which has values at many different levels (level selection control is available on bottom right side on the UI).
Yes I see vsinceac. It shows only air pressure on higher altitutes level, not wind speed at this level.
Just select "Wind".
Color shading rendering of wind speed forecast data overlay, as well as particles animation and values provided on a given position follow well currently selected level:
OMG !!
Thank you so much vsinceac and Gkikas !
This is absolutely briliant :-) -
Also try distance&planning tool
It's made for pilots.
Also read -
I am blow away, its exactly what I was looking for :-)
Thank you so much showing and learning me ! -
I'm using Windy dayly for couple of years. Basicly its always open. I have all info here for simulator flying; wind speed and direction at airport, airpressure, temperature and real forecast when airborn. Only thing I missed is wind speed at higher altitudes. Didnt know I had it all the time under my finger tips :-)
Also distance & planing option is absolutely perfect! YEY
Have you tried VFR?
Yes, Thank You. Its amazing. Even showing possible thunderstorms :)