Revolting dog
What is the point of the revolting don on the opening page?
Which revolting dog? Dogs are cute (dons too, by the way :o)))
@anttil Hello, I am sorry that you feel this way, it is our new splashscreen reacting to the current situation.
@Korina I also think somebody chose the picture of a dog in a subjective way. It irritates me very much.
Would a kitten be better, or well Andy Warhol's "Campbell Soup"? :o)))
@captain-duke Hi, it is a matter of opinion.
I think the dog is great. I would like to freeze the page so I can enjoy the dog for longer. Is there a way to freeze the page?
@mercerjohnboy Hi, there is no way to do it, but you can always take a screenshot.
@Korina I dont really get why there needs to be a "reaction" at all. Dogs are great but the dog pic is pretty gross as a first impression ...why not put awesome splash screens up again of wind dependant outdoor sports ..great app...keep it neutral.... and a bit less.... confronting :P
I would vote for "cat in the wind" :o)))
More seriously: wouldn't be rather up to to find/select/decide about all those holy splash screens and other logos? (I wonder how people who hate apples could use Steve Job's stuff... :o)))