HELP:need to reset Windy iOS to it's default settings w/o reinstalling
Can someone tell me please, how to get Windy's default settings back without reinstalling?
Can soomeone also please tell me how to initiate/request a chat? I'm hoping that the answer to the first question is so easy that I could just get it answered via a quick chat.
Sorry for these questions, but I'm very new to the forum.
@junkitt Hi, why do you need Windy in default settings?
@Korina Because of the problems that I am having with the iOS widget only working for a day or two at the most before it stops working so badly that I have to reinstall the app. This results in having to reinstall Windy every 2-3 days. Not a very desirable situation, to be sure.
I want to do some testing of the widget while keeping Windy in default vanilla configuration. If the widget fails after only two or three days without changing any settings, then there is surely something wrong with my system. Maybe some faulty setting is not being deleted when I remove the app, or another app is interfering Windy's widget functionality. But, whatever the problem, I would like to get it resolved.
So, right after this posts, I will remove Windy again, reboot my iPhone 7Plus, reinstall Windy 24, and take lots of screen shots.
I am still getting Widget crash reports, but I don't know enough to make heads or tales of them.