temperature discrepancy between METAR and Elev/PA/DA picker. Bug ?
There seems to be a discrepancy between the temperature shown in a METAR for an airport and the temperature shown in the Elev/PA/DA picker for the same airport. If the discrepancy is confirmed by the Windy team, it would be beneficial to fix this issue in order to show the correct DA (Density Altitude) in the Elev/PA/DA picker. The DA is a very important piece of information for aviators when they calculate aircraft performances. An incorrect DA can lead to incorrect take-off and landing runways calculations, which could lead to potential accidents. I understand that the Windy information should not be taken for real navigational purposes but still, I think displaying the correct DA is important. Thank you. See attached screenshot.
Question: Temp. 19.1 comes from meteo. observation (real measurment)
or its a forecast value from wx. model?(19.1 sounds strange to me
because temp. is always rounded (in a whole degree) in METARs) -
DA 1195 logically is incorrect for 14 C
as it is computed for temp. 19.1 C
"What you put in is what you get out" -
@ plugin developers
@Gkikas-LGPZ yes, exactly. Where does the 14 Celcius comes from in the picker ? The METAR temperature of 23 Celcius at Santa Ynez Airport (KIZA) is the official FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) temperature reported at the airport. There is an AWOS-3 automated weather reporting station (unmanned) at KIZA. The AWOS-3 reports weather typically once every 20 minutes.
@Gkikas-LGPZ Hello, how did you please get this picker format? I am only able to display temperature -
I used density altitude plugin. -
@Gkikas-LGPZ said in temperature discrepancy between METAR and Elev/PA/DA picker. Bug ?:
@ plugin developers
@rittels Hi, since you are the developer of this plugin, would you be able to clarify, where does the temperate 14C come from? It does not correspond with the observed values nor the forecast.
Fixed the bug, however temp still differs with up to 1 degree from picker value. The DA plugin uses forecast data of dataLoader, while I think the picker displays airdata, surface level. Also the picker shows interpolated value, where dataLoader shows nearest point, 10-11km resolution on ECMWF.
@rittels Hi, thank you for the update!