Poor evolution of satellite animation
Dear Windy:
I appreciate the satellite animation product but it is not rendering adequately. There is a bouncing issue that precent visualizing the actual clouds and flow evolution adequately. Not sure whether your are interpolating between imagery but features are moving back and forth. -
Afaik. the most known satellite images providers provide them with validity every:
- EUMETSAT: 15 minutes (HH:00/15/30/45 (see here)
- GOES: 5 minutes (see here)
- HIMAWARI: 10 minutes (see here)
Time steps on Windy time bar are every 5 minutes for satellite images overlay over Europe. For EUMETSAT at least, I guess yes, only 4 images every hour are not modified on UI, then each 2 successive original images - or more, depending on the implemented algorithms - are used to compute two new images with intermediate validity time.
Thus, I wouldn't consider as "poor evolution" the new implementation of satellite animations on Windy maps; animating only 4 EUMETSAT original images by hour should get an even poorer rendering on maps, at least from final users pov. Now, how weather researches - who generally handle "real" observed values on each image pixel - would take it... this is yet another story...
Above all, see the original post.
@johnfmejia Hi, it can happen. Interpolation algorithm is not able to detect motion correctly in all cases. Problems can occur especially when multiple layers of clouds are present or when small clouds are quickly appearing or disappearing. If it is your case, please try to turn-off "Smooth satellite animation" in the settings.