About Map Projections
Sometime ago, Windy maps had a 3D mode, that was more or less free of the restrictions associated with the map projection.
Then this mode was removed for technical reasons.Is a future implementation of 3D mode on maps still planned?
I'm asking this because some planned flight routes have wrong rendering on current Windy maps which use projection EPSG:900913: the latest is not defined for latitudes 15° around N/S Poles, while some long flights cross those areas.
Or well, will be there other map projections available in the future (e.g. Polar), which would get rid of such a restriction? -
@vsinceac Hi, 3D mode is planned and in development, however we cannot say the exact date of release.
Many thanks, I'm happy to know that 3D maps are still on Windy's road map!